Do you need transport from Ulee Lheue Harbor to Banda Aceh Airport?
We are provide the transport from Ulee Lheue Harbor to Banda Aceh Airport Blang Bintang. It takes approximately 35 minutes driving.
How to book a transport service from Banda Aceh Airport to Ulee Lheue harbor:
You can send us the inquiries to us by sending message to our WhatApp +6285360131941 at least 3 hours before you arrival.
Price or rate of the transport service from Ulee Lheue to Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport :
The price is IDR. 140.000 (US$ 10) |
The price is IDR. 140.000 per car that can fit for 4 person with luggage or 7 people with no luggage.
Need a transport for few hours tour in Banda Aceh?
You want to make a city tour in Banda Aceh for few hours before departure. We already arrange a tour program below. Let us know if you are less than 5 hours or half day tour. We are very flexible and easy to negotiate. You may check the day tour below by click on the title:
- Half day tour in Banda Aceh
- Full day tour in Banda Aceh
- Full day tour in Aceh Jaya (Recommended)
- Full day tour in Banda Aceh & Aceh Besar (Eastern Coast)
- Full day tour in Banda Aceh & Aceh Jaya (Western Coast)
Don’t be hesitate to contact us via WhatApp +6285360131941 or E-mail :
How you can pay us the service:
You can pay us by cash after the service finish or when you arrive at Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport.
How do we meet?
We will wait for you in front of arrival exit terminal with the paper of your name write down.
What do you need to know about the service: The service is 100% legal since we are the legal company. You may check our registration company number available here. Besides, to register the domain is required legal permit from the government. Please kindly check in Google what document requirement to register a domain of